Copying Prior Data

If a patient has a follow-up visit for a particular injury or screening test, re-entering the same information in a new form is often a tedious chore. The Copy Prior Data button allows the user to select a previous chart (form) and copy its data into a new form for the current visit. You can use this function even if the previous visit for the injury used a different form, provided that the two forms have sufficient fields in common. Select the appropriate chart (form) from the applicable visit (you may need to double-click twice to make the selection), and the fields that can be copied will appear on the new form. See SYSTOC Forms Workspace.

Not all data writes to the current form when copying prior data. Data will copy into corresponding fields that do not interact with SYSTOC. However, data will not copy into a SYSTOC field that contains previously entered data. In other words, fields that autofill with data from SYSTOC are not overwritten when copying prior data. When data is copied into a field with existing data it overwrites the previous entry. We recommend that you use this function before entering any form data manually.

If a chart becomes corrupt you can use this function to restore data. To do this, create a duplicate order, open its new form, and copy the old form's information to the new form. Then delete the old form.

List of previous forms

The results of using the Copy Prior Data feature vary on a form-to-form basis. For some forms, the ability to copy data from a previous visit is extremely powerful; for others, you may notice little or no improvement, or may even have more work because of the material that must be removed.

Note: It is the responsibility of the user to verify that the data entered into form fields by the Copy Prior Data feature are correct and appropriate for the current form. Data should be checked on a field-by-field basis until the user becomes familiar with a form's behavior.