Job Rating System

The Jobs screen includes a rating for the individual requirements (essential functions) of the job. If the company does not want the expense of job ratings, evaluate only high turnover or high risk jobs.

With preplacement screening for rated jobs, the company should experience an improvement in the turnover and/or injury rate, as more suitable employees are hired for these jobs. An experienced evaluator can often suggest ways to do the job more efficiently with less physical effort.

  • There are two forms that can be used in conjunction with SYSTOC for job assessments, Functional Assessment and/or Job Assessment. A printable PDF version is available in the Copy-ready Forms packet from the Customer Resource Center: (login required).
  • The higher the rating number, the more difficult or risky the job. A zero (0) rating means the factor was not an essential function of the job.
  • For ratings to be valid under the ADA, rate only those functions that are essential to the job!
  • The User Fields can describe essential job factors that are not included in the rating system, or you can use the Essential Functions Memo. For example, describe the height and the frequency of lifting.
  • The F3 Memo at the Job Risk screen can record anything about the job that is not an essential function. For example, you can record the educational requirements, hours, supervisor's name, etc.
  • How you rate a particular job is not nearly as important as applying your standards consistently for all jobs.