Set Up Task Prototypes for HL7 Lab Results

The lab requisition form PDF must be attached to the task prototype. For example: Task Prototype ID = LABREQUE and the Task Prototype Description = Lab Requisition Form.

These steps presume the task prototypes already exist or that you are familiar with creating new task prototypes and have already created them.
  1. Go to File Maintenance > Setup - Orders > Task Prototypes and select the first laboratory test task prototype.
  2. Select the appropriate lab requisition form from the PDF Form drop-down list.
    • HL7 Lab Requisition.pdf
    • Your custom lab requisition form
  3. Select Lab Results - HL7 from the Section drop-down list and Screening from the Task Type drop-down list.
  4. Configure the Work Flow Sequence section to move the task through the process. For example:
    1. Data Entry - PDF assigned to the Default Group that normally completes the lab requisition form. (After completing the form, this person changes the status to HL7 Send, which sends the request to the laboratory.)
      Note: The HL7 Interface updates the status as the laboratory communicates the state of the test results until the results are received. No sequence setup is needed for these steps.
    2. HL7 Results Received assigned to the Default Group or Default Owner. (This triggers the order to appear in the person's Chart Box when the status changes to Results Received)

Configure task groups and sub groups

  1. Go to File Maintenance > Setup - Orders > Task Groups.
  2. Search for the Group ID = Forms and verify that a sub group titled Lab Requisition Forms does not exist.
  3. Add a new sub group under the Forms Group named Lab Requisition Forms.
  4. Search, select, and add every task prototype used for your lab requisition form(s) that are being used with the HL7 interfaced laboratories to this Group and Sub Group.