Set Up Drug Component Task Prototypes

You must add a task prototype for each substance (component) that is tested. The IDs you use for these substances in SYSTOC are not the same as the test codes used by the lab. If using the HL7 Drug Test Interface, see details on this page for task ID requirements.

HL7 Drug Test Interface: You must use SYSTOC-defined task IDs for each substance that is tested. Read Laboratory-Specific IDs to make sure you obtain the correct SYSTOC-defined task IDs for the substances tested by the laboratory.
Note: do not create task prototypes for creatinine, specific gravity, or dilute. Those substances are handled by the HL7 import and the results populate the fields in the employee’s drug test record.

If you already have task IDs for substances, check the laboratory-specific task IDs to determine if you need to change any. The Laboratory-Specific IDs page explains options for changing task IDs.

  1. Create a list of the substances you use for drug testing and the task ID for each. If you use multiple laboratories, you will need to add a task prototypes for all substances you use for each laboratory.
  2. Go to File Maintenance > Setup-Orders > Task Prototypes.
    Press F1 to view detailed information about the Task Prototypes screen.
  3. Add a new task prototype using the appropriate task ID .
    Consider using the SYSTOC-defined IDs for your most commonly used laboratory even if you are not using the interface. This will save time later if you implement the interface. Make sure it is spelled exactly as defined on the lab-specific list if you are using those IDs.

  4. Complete the remaining fields on the screen based on your organization's standards and workflow.
    Press F1 to view detailed information about the Task Prototypes screen.
  5. Save your changes and repeat the process for the remaining substances.