SYSTOC Audits PHI Data When...

  • User performs a search and the results display multiple patient records in search list, and
    • The first patient’s record displays in data entry screen, or
    • User selects a patient’s record in the search list, and that patient's record displays in the data entry screen, or
    • The user deletes the displayed record; the next patient’s record displays in the data entry screen.
  • User performs a search for a single patient and all results for that patient display in search results list, and
    • The first record for that patient displays in data entry screen, or
    • User selects a record in the search list; that patient's record displays in the data entry screen, or
    • User deletes the displayed patient's record; the patient's next record displays in the data entry screen.
  • User leaves an accessed record on the data entry screen and returns to the screen later.
  • User saves a newly added record.
  • User modifies and saves an existing record.
  • User deletes an existing record, and confirms deletion with Yes.
  • User accesses/views, saves, modifies, or deletes a PDF form for a patient.
  • User enters a patient ID in a report query and runs the report.
  • User runs a report that is marked as Audited for PHI on the Report Library screen.
  • User performs Staple/Send (a log entry is added for each form included for that patient).
  • User sends a successful HL7 ADT outbound message from Patient Summary or an order screen.