Random Drug Testing Quick Guide

To prepare for a random sample when each employee’s job history is kept in SYSTOC:

  1. Use the Random Pool Tracking report every month to determine which pools are due to be randomized.
  2. Make certain that all employee job histories are current and all job changes have been entered rigorously. Print the Random Pool Eligibility List to verify that each pool contains the individuals you expect.
  3. Determine, for each company in the pool, if any new employees or new jobs have been added, or if the company wishes to change which jobs are included in the random pool.
  4. Go to Screening Folder > Random Pools and display the pool(s) that are due to be randomized. Make any adjustments with the Add Job(s) or Remove Job(s) buttons.
  5. Click the Randomize button to generate the random sample from the pool.
  6. When randomizing is complete and the Random Pools History record displays, press F2 to print the Drug Alcohol Random Selection report.
  7. When entering individual collection information on the Drug Test screen, use the lookup on the Random ID field to enter the appropriate Random Pool ID number. This updates the Random Pools History Detail record to show that sample collection was done for this employee.
  8. Print the Random Drug/BAT Pool Status report to see if any selected individuals still need to have a sample collected.

To prepare for a random sample when each employee’s job history is not kept in SYSTOC:

  1. Ask the company for a printout of all its current employees subject to drug and alcohol testing. This printout must have one employee per line, and each line must be numbered. Determine how many employees there are, and how many or what percentage the company wishes to sample.
  2. Go to Screening Folder > Random Number Generator. The number of employees subject to random testing is the Pool Size. The number to be selected for testing is the Sample; it may be entered as a percentage or a raw number. Request many more Extras than you think you will need. Click Print List. On the company printout, find the Reference Line number associated with each Lottery Position on the printed list of random numbers. Write each selected employee’s Lottery Number next to his name.
  3. Collect samples from each selected employee, in order by Lottery Number. Draw from the Extras list if any employee is unavailable.