Change the Assignment of Orders for an Appointment

By default, the orders appear with a Sched For ID that matches the person for whom the appointment is scheduled. Follow these steps to assign a different Staff ID for different orders from the Appointment Register or Inj/Ill Visit screen:

  1. Place the cursor in the Sched For cell for the order you want to change. Click once.
  2. Type the ID of the person who will handle this order, or select the person by clicking on the three dots that appear on the right side of the box. Click on the lower right-hand Save button (Ctrl+S).
  3. To change several adjacent orders at once, click on the first one in the row and change it as above. Then highlight (with the mouse) the Sched For boxes for all the affected orders (with the one you just changed at the top of the highlighted section). Right click and select Autofill Selection. The block of highlighted columns all change to match the first one in the series, Save (Ctrl+S).