Receive Referral and Schedule First Appointment

  1. Clinic is notified of referral of patient for rehab services by fax, phone, or mail.
  2. Front desk calls patient to schedule appointment and update patient information.
  3. Selecting any rehab-related Code on the Appointment Register will activate the Rehab Visit button; click button to open the Rehabilitation screen.
  4. If the patient has never been in for rehab before, you will be in Add mode automatically. Otherwise, SYSTOC will display the most recent rehab case for this patient; select Add to create a new case.
  5. On the first line of the Rehabilitation screen, use the lookup on the Inj/Ill List to select the correct injury/illness or click the Add Injury/Illness button that appears at the bottom of the list to add a new one. Whether you have decided to use an existing injury or create a new one, the injury record must be linked to the rehab case. Type the information about the injury/illness that is known at this time. You must at least complete the Injury Date (or onset of symptoms for an illness) and whether the patient has signed permission to release information (Info Rel).
  6. Complete the fields in the Referral section with information provided by the referring physician and your own activities. Select Therapy Type from the drop-down menu in that field, which contains Medicare/Medicaid-acceptable codes.
  7. Save the screen.