To Add Orders to Appointments from the Appointments, Inj/Ill Visit, or CWA

  1. When you save a new appointment, the Select Orders screen appears automatically. If the appointment already exists, display it and click the Add Orders button. From Current Orders tab of the CWA, access the Add Orders function by right-clicking anywhere in the orders grid portion of the tab.
  2. The Select Orders screen appears.
    • If the Select Procedures tab is active, look for appropriate company-specific procedures first and click on any you want to select. If nothing appropriate is found, select generic procedures. Orders will appear in the right-side box after you select a procedure. Deselect any orders you do not want, then click Accept Orders.
    • If the Select Orders tab is active, use the Groups and Subgroups to narrow the list of possibilities until the desired item appears in the far-right window. Click on any order in the right-side list to add it to the bottom portion of the screen. Continue to search and add until you have all the orders you want to add to this appointment, then click Accept Orders.