Procedures Quick Guide

  1. Plan.
    Create a list of "reasons to visit" the clinic. Each one becomes a procedure.
  2. Add procedure record.
    1. From File Maintenance > Setup - Orders > Procedures > Add (Ctrl+A).
    2. This is a generic procedure, so leave the Company ID blank.
    3. Make the Description as specific as possible, to help staff pick the right one.
  3. Add tasks to procedure.
    1. Click on Task (Alt+K).
    2. A modified task prototype screen appears. Type or look up the Task ID of an appropriate task for this procedure.
    3. Data from the task prototype appear. Change fields as desired, see Procedure Task Field Descriptions for help with specific fields.
      1. Leave Company ID blank.
      2. Generic procedures do not usually have discounts.
      3. Any change you make will NOT affect the source task prototype.
    4. Save. A question about copying task to company specific procedures appears. Once company procedures exist, consider carefully whether the task you are adding should also be added to company procedures that are derived from this generic procedure.
      A question about copying task to company specific procedures appears. Once company procedures exist, consider carefully whether the task you are adding should also be added to company procedures that are derived from this generic procedure.
    5. To include instructions for staff, add a task for instructions and put the information in the task memo, see Instruction Tasks.
    6. Repeat until all tasks have been included.
    7. Review by checking the list of tasks at the top of the screen.
    8. Click Back button or Ctrl+B to return to the procedures screen.
  4. Add forms/labels if needed.
    1. Click on Forms/Labels (Alt+L) to add memo forms or labels for pre-printed forms.
    2. Leave Company ID blank.
    3. Look up any desired forms of type MEMOFORM (seldom used) or LABEL, see Procedure Forms/Labels.
    4. Save and repeat until all needed forms or labels are attached.
    5. Save and click Back button or Ctrl+B to return to the procedures screen.
  5. Copy generic procedures to make company procedures.
    1. Go to Company Folder > Procedures.
    2. Display the source generic procedure.
    3. Copy (Ctrl+O), and say Yes to copying subordinate records.
    4. Enter the Company ID for the company whose procedure this will become.
    5. Save (Ctrl+S).
  6. Modify tasks for company procedure.
    1. Examine the Tasks (Alt+K) for the copied procedure.
    2. Select and modify any task to meet the specific needs of the company.
      1. Discounts may be added, see Discounts for Tasks.
      2. Bill Address fields can send the bill for some tasks in the procedure to another place, see Billing Addresses.
    3. Add new tasks, or delete tasks you don't need.
    4. For company-specific instructions, add a task for instructions, and put the content in the memo.