Using F3 Memo (Non-PDF) Forms Quick Guide

  1. Is the form pre-printed and completed on paper?
    1. From File Maintenance > Setup - Options > Forms > Add a record for each pre-printed form.
    2. If possible, use ID printed on the form itself. If not possible, at least place ID you used on shelf where form is stored.
    3. Form Type is LABEL.
    4. Leave the F3 memo empty for this type.
    5. When preparing for the patient visit, print labels with patient information to affix to these forms, using any of the various Form Label reports.
  2. Is the form a PDF to be filled out on screen?
    Do not create a Form record here, just attach the PDF by name to the appropriate task prototype, see Defining the Task Prototype.
  3. Are you reminding patients to come into the clinic?
    1. From File Maintenance > Setup - Options > Forms > Add a record for each reminder.
    2. ID should match the type of event, such as HEPB2, HEPB3, etc.
    3. Form Type is RECALL.
    4. Save record and place text of the reminder in F3 memo.
    5. To attach form, go to Task Prototypes , display the task that needs a reminder, and enter the Form ID in the Recall Letter Form ID field. See Recall Letters Quick Guide.
    6. To print, use report Recall Letter or Recall Letter to Patient.
    Tips for writing the reminder memo
    • Do not include a greeting or a closing, just the body.
    • Identify the specific event ( Hepatitis B second inoculation ) or be vague ( the next inoculation in the Hepatitis series ). If you are specific, you must create one record for each event in the series; if vague, one record works for all events in the series, but will be less clear to the patient.
    • Type text using only the Enter key and Spacebar . Allow large blocks of text to wrap. SYSTOC will supply the name/address, from, regarding and date information when the form is used.
    • Do not use the Tab key, do not underline, bold or italicize; none of these features are supported by the memo editor.
    • Use brackets with appropriate spacing between [ ] for a checkbox.
    • Use Ctrl+P to check a printout.
    • Press Ctrl+S to save and exit from the memo.
  4. Is this a general-purpose form letter?
    1. From File Maintenance > Setup - Options > Forms > Add a record for each form letter.
    2. Form Type is FORMLTR.
    3. In the memo, type the body of the letter. Use the same Guidelines as step 3.
    4. To print, select the report Form Letter to Company (or the similar report for patients or insurance), indicate the IDs that should receive the letter [or asterisk (*) for all], load letterhead paper and print.
  5. Is this a non-PDF form?
    It is unlikely you will use this type of form in SYSTOC. Convert the form to a PDF if possible. If not possible,
    1. From File Maintenance > Setup - Options > Forms > Add a record for each form.
    2. Form Type is MEMOFORM
    3. In the memo, type the body of the form. It will not be possible to properly align fields and prompts, so keep the form as simple as possible. Use the same Guidelines as step 3.
    4. The form may be printed at any time using the report Form Print.