Batch Reconciliation Quick Guide

The screen displays all unreconciled items, regardless of the entry or service date.

  1. Access this section from Billing Folder > Batch Reconciliation.
  2. To reconcile today’s work, be sure today’s date is used for Start and End dates, and Entry date is selected. Check the Distinguish Fee Type.
  3. Deselect any items you don’t want included in this reconciliation by clicking on the far left column to remove the checkmark.
  4. Using an adding machine, separately add up the charges, receipts, or adjustments that appear on the paperwork from which you entered the data into SYSTOC. (If using the Auto-reconcile option, there will be few or no charges to reconcile.)
  5. Working with charges, receipts, and adjustments separately, compare your total to the Net Amount totals displayed on screen; they should match. If your totals don't match, try the following:
    1. Check your selection criteria to verify that your date ranges are the same type and duration as your paperwork. Does your paperwork include information entered on a different day?
    2. Redo your adding machine tapes and review your receipt and adjustment items to ensure that you have accounted for them correctly in your manual balance.
    3. If using flow sheets, check that all items on each flow sheet were performed. If any were omitted, be sure you adjusted the printed total on the flow sheet. Conversely, if any were handwritten on the sheet, did you include them in the total?
  6. When your totals match, accept the batch by clicking on the Reconcile button (or Alt+C).
  7. A reconcile batch number displays. Note this number on the adding machine tape and supporting paperwork.
  8. Print the Reconciliation Report and attach it to the paperwork.