ICD-9 and ICD-10 Codes

The ICD-9 coding system is provided with the startup data. ICD-10 codes are available for download from the Customer Resource Center. Contact Customer Support at 844.881.8713 for more information.

When searching for a code, it is often helpful to search two Description lines. For example, the first line of the search might be Description contains Ankle and the second line of the search might be Description contains Sprain. By combining two searches of the one field, you rapidly narrow the search.

The memo for an ICD code may be used to store discharge instructions specific to that code. These instructions print on the Discharge report when the code is applied to an injury.

File Maintenance > Setup - Injury > ICD

ICD codes

Label Description


The ICD-9 or ICD-10 code.

ICD-10 Code

Check if this code is ICD-10.

NCCI Codes

Two NCCI codes are available: Body Part and Inj Code. NCCI codes are copyright protected by the National Council on Compensation Insurance. They provide a useful way to group similar injuries. If a code is selected here, it populates the Injury screen when an injury is assigned this primary ICD code.


The description is provided.


The type of injury, e.g., contusion, fracture, laceration, dislocation, etc. As provided, only a few codes will have data in this field, but you can add it to others.

Body Site

The injured body part, e.g., hand, foot, eye. Only a few of the commonly-used codes will have data in this field.

Target Values See ICD Targets


The average cost of the diagnosis, duration of illness/injury, number of days out of work, and number of days limited work.

Std Dev

Standard Deviation from the mean for all categories as above.


Number of points used to determine the Mean and Standard Deviation.

Date of Entry

Date of the data entry (press F8 to enter today's date).


Use for any purpose. You may wish to enter the source of your data.