Working with Attached Files

Each order associated with an appointment can be supplemented by an attached file. That file may require data entry, such as a form that needs to be filled out during the course of the patient visit, or it may contain information that assists with the execution of the order, such as a specimen collection protocol sheet.

File attachments may be created by the clinic, or they may come from outside sources. For example, an information sheet provided by an employer can be scanned and saved as a PDF file and then attached to an order.

Electronic files in other standard formats can also be attached to orders. In addition to PDF format, SYSTOC can handle all file formats that are readily utilized in Windows (.doc, .txt, .tif, .mpeg, .mp3, .wav, and .avi). Other media types can be used if their corresponding media players are installed at all the appropriate workstations. See Orders - Attach File, About Orders - Attach File, Attach a File to an Order, Add/Edit Appointments, and Orders for more information about attaching files.