PHI Disclosure

The PHI Disclosure screen is available from the Options View Menu. When patient information is given to an outside party, the event can be recorded here. Each clinic will set its own standards for use of this screen, depending on its interpretation of current law.

PHI Disclosure screen

Label Description

Patient ID

Patient's unique identification number.


Date of information release.


Time of information release.


Type of event; pick from the drop-down menu. Options include: Treatment, Payment, Health Care Operations, and Other.

Disclosure By

Staff ID of person who made the information release.

Name of Recipient

Name of person receiving the information.

Address of Recipient

Complete mailing address of receiving party. You can also use this field to record e-mail address, fax number, or other means by which you have provided PHI.

Information Disclosed

List of the information provided.

Purpose of Disclosure

The reason for the disclosure.


Any additional information.