About Signatures

Staff members who frequently sign SYSTOC PDF forms should create and save a signature that can be recalled and applied to PDF documents as needed. The "signature" that is saved is actually an image or picture of a signature.

Signatures can be created and saved entirely within SYSTOC, as long as a compatible signature capture device is installed on the workstation. See Using a Signature Capture Device from Utility and Using a Signature Capture Device in a Form.

Alternatively, signature image files can be created and saved outside of SYSTOC and then imported for future use. See Capturing and Saving a Signature Outside of SYSTOC.

Some of the factors to consider include:
  • How many signers do you have in your clinic?
  • How many workstations does each signer use?
  • Are your workstations shared among users?
  • Are there dedicated signature devices installed on each workstation?