Wellness (Individual)

Wellness reports compare the risk factors for the current individual to national mortality statistics.

When you click the Wellness (Individual) button, the Individual Report screen displays as in the sample image below.

Screening Folder > Gordian HRA

In the report window you can choose the report you want to view or print.
Wellness Report Description
HRA/Wellness - Letterhead Prints a Personal Health Analysis - Wellness Report, with room for your clinic letterhead (for official reporting).
HRA/Wellness Report Prints a Personal Health Analysis - Wellness Report.
HRA/Wellness Report: No AIDS Prints a Personal Health Analysis - Wellness Report with no references to AIDS risk.
HRA/Wellness Report: No AIDS-Letterhead Prints a Personal Health Analysis - Wellness Report with no references to AIDS risk, with room for your clinic letterhead (for official reporting).