Work Flow Sequences

Label Description

Copy from Other Task

Displays list of task prototypes. Select one with a Work Flow Sequence you want to copy into the current task prototype. See Copy Sequences Quick Guide.

Copy Work Flow Wizard

Copies a work flow to multiple task prototypes. It loads a dual window where you select the task and the destinations. See Copy Sequences Quick Guide.

Sequence #

Shows the number of the currently selected step, if any, or else the number of the next new step.

Default Status

Describes each step of the work flow process. To create more, see Task Status.

Default Work Group

Indicates which type of employee is responsible for this step. To create more, see Task Work Group.

Default Owner

Specify the "person" to handle this step. Use a Work Group or a Default Owner, not both. Do not use a specific Staff ID as the Default Owner because if that person is absent, no one else will see this order in a Chart Box. Use generic choices {Sch.ID} and {DoneBy} as a more flexible approach to indicate the person for whom the order is scheduled, or who actually completed it, respectively.

Set the Done flag

Check to set the Done and Done By fields of the order when the sequence advances to this number. An order is usually marked Done when the service has been provided to the patient, whether or not auxiliary tasks such as data entry, signatures, billing, or reports are finished.

Typically, Set the Done flag on the first sequence after the Provider or Nurse activity. This will turn the order pale green on the display and move it to the bottom of the list, increasing the efficiency of staff.

When using Tap2Chart, the done flag is set automatically when the note is finalized (if Set the Done flag is selected).

Note: If payment of staff is linked to activity, set this flag carefully, because the person who did the sequence just PRIOR to the one marked for setting the Done flag will receive credit for the activity.

Add New Save Sequence Delete

These buttons affect just the Work Flow Sequences portion of the screen.

Add New clears the currently-selected sequence from the data entry line and add a new sequence. The next available sequence number displays and you can complete the rest of the line.

Save Sequence saves the data entry line and move the entire line to the appropriate spot in the list of sequences. To edit a sequence, double-click the line you want to edit. This moves it to the data entry line, where you make changes and Save Sequence.

Delete a sequence by double-clicking it, then click Delete. You will receive a warning message.