Tasks for Attaching Reports

You can make a report part of the patient's electronic medical record by transforming it to a PDF and attaching it to an order. You need some tasks devoted to this purpose, so you can distinguish the different reports and keep your medical records organized.

For more information about attaching orders, see Orders - Attach File.

For example:
  1. When data entry for an audiogram is complete, run the analysis report to display. Then click the Export button that is on the reports toolbar.
  2. SYSTOC asks if you want to add this file to the patient's medical record; click YES.
  3. SYSTOC creates a new order to attach this report to the medical record. By default, this order has an ID of REPORT.
  4. Using REPORT for all your attached reports would be confusing, so instead you select a task ID of REPORTAU (for Report Audiology).
  5. If you use work flow sequences, you can make this order show up in the provider's chart box for review.
  6. The same process for a PFT might use a task called REPORTPT ; a tuberculosis report might be REPORTTB , etc.

Create as many specialized report tasks as you need to make your report-based medical records easy to find.