Discount Table Fees

Discount Table Fees and Discount Table Names together provide a method for discounting only specified fees. Any collection of discounted fees is grouped together under a Discount Table Name. Normally you begin by creating the name and adding the desired fees. There is a Discount Table Fee button for this purpose on the Discount Table Name screen, or you can simply add fees directly from the Options View menu Discount Table Fees choice; the screen is identical either way.

Discount tables provide three ways to adjust the standard fee amount:

  • subtract a set dollar amount from the standard fee
  • reduce the standard fee by a specified percentage
  • use a new amount instead of the standard fee

Subtracting either a specific percentage or a fixed dollar amount from the standard fee works reasonably well, even if you change your fee schedule. However, using the third approach-a new fee amount-can be problematic. If you use this approach and later change your fee structure, you will have to manually adjust all of your discount tables as well.

File Maintenance > Setup - Billing > Discount Table Fees

Discount Table fees

Label Description

Disc Table ID

The discount table which will hold this fee.

Fee Code

ID for the fee you wish to discount.


Full name for the fee, copies automatically from the fee file.

Dollars Off

Dollar amount to subtract from the standard fee.

Discount Percent

Percentage to multiply by the standard fee and subtract. (A negative percent will raise the standard fee.) For whole percentages, omit the decimal point; for fractional percentages, use the decimal, e.g., 10½% = 10.50.

Dollar Amount

Dollar amount to replace the standard fee.