Appointment Types

These three-character abbreviations categorize patient visits. They are used in the Code field in the Appointments module and also in the Treatment Code field in the Treatment section of the Injury module. Common ones will be used often so make them easy to remember.

File Maintenance > Setup - Appointments > Appointment Types

Label Description


Three-character ID code for this appointment type.


Select the related data entry screen from the list. For injury-related appointment types, pick Inj/Ill Visit ; for Rehab, specify Rehabilitation. Set all others to None. If the field is blank, SYSTOC will still link the appointment to the Inj/Ill screen if an injury number appears in the Inj ID field of the appointment.


Description of the appointment type.


Highlight the appointment type and press + or - to set a duration time. When a patient is added to the schedule, the amount of time blocked out is determined by the visit type.
  • If a greater amount of time is manually selected, the selected time will override the time set in the Duration field.
  • If the Duration field contains 0 for a visit type, the default is the standard time increment on the schedule.

Appointment Color

Highlight the appointment type and click Appointment Color. Click the desired color on the chart that displays and press OK. Custom colors can also be defined. The chosen color displays as the background for that visit type on the appointments schedule grid.