Using Locations

The Location ID is a powerful tool, but it can easily create confusion when data appears to be missing but is really just not visible to the person who is looking. Users with a blank Location ID (typically a supervisor) can access all data, regardless of location.

Note: Records with no Location ID will not be attributed properly, and may not be viewable by other locations, causing unexplained problems such as receiving payments for invoices that can’t be seen by anyone but the supervisor.

Effect of a Location ID on Data Entry and Reports

Logged-On User has SYSTOC Components Setting New Record Default Reports for View on Screen

Blank ID

Not Location Sensitive

Blank Location

All or one location

All Locations

Blank ID

Location Sensitive

Blank Location

All or one location

All Locations

Loc ID

Not Location Sensitive

Own Location ID

Own Loc ID (default) or remove Location ID on report screen to see all records.

All Locations

Loc ID

Location Sensitive

Own Location ID

Own Loc ID, which cannot be modified if report is being accessed from a section set to be location sensitive.

Own Location