Top Menu

The menu options at the top of the SYSTOC window are accessed by pressing the Alt key along with the underlined letter in the option name.

Top menu choices and icons

Many of the functions that are accessed via the Top Menu are also available on the Button Bar right below it. Alternatively, you can use the keyboard method to accomplish your tasks. The following list contains an explanation of button functionality, along with the equivalent keystrokes. You can access similar information by hovering your cursor above each button.

Note: As in all Windows applications, the Ctrl key shortcut only works when the top menu bar is not active.


Add (Ctrl+A)


Copy (Ctrl+O)


Delete (Ctrl+D)

Open memo

Open the Memo for the current record (F3). This button indicates that the memo is blank.

Alternative memo button

Open the Memo for the current record (F3). Alternative memo button, indicating that the memo contains text.

Save records

Save records (Ctrl+S)

Move back through History Tabs

Move Back through the History Tabs (Ctrl+B)

Move forward through History Tabs

Move Forward through the History Tabs (Ctrl+W)


Favorites (F7)

Switch to Data Form Screen

Switch to Data Form Screen view (Ctrl+F)

Switch to List view

Switch to List view (Ctrl+L)

Split screen

Split screen into Data Form Screen and List views (Ctrl+T)

Reload current record

Reload the current record reverting to the last saved version (Ctrl+R)


Help (F1)


Add (Ctrl+A)


Copy (Ctrl+O)