Changing the Sort Order of the List

The default sort order for the list is by the primary ID code (such as the Invoice Number for a list of invoices).

To select a new column to use as the sort criteria, click on the column header with your mouse. A second click will reverse the sort order.

You can modify the way data are displayed in the list grid. A right mouse click on the column header displays options to hide the column, display or remove gridlines in the list, and merge or unmerge the grid. (A merged grid groups all records with a common primary ID and only displays that ID once.)

You can also rearrange the columns by selecting the column header with the left mouse button and keeping it depressed while you drag it to another position. Resize a column by gripping its edge in the header column and dragging one side of it toward the other to make it smaller or away to make it larger. Working from the List view to arrange the columns as you wish and then printing it with Ctrl+P can be a useful way to get a simple report of a limited number of records. Note that these changes are temporary; if you leave this screen, when you return the columns will return to their default order and/or width.