Invoices to be Paid

Results of invoices searched displays those that meet your query. Select those for which you wish to apply payments.

Click on the small Sel box to mark the invoice(s) to which funds from the check will be applied. Between the two grids are four buttons for adding and removing marked selections from the search result group over to the grid on the right, labeled Invoices to be Paid. The list in this grid contains only those invoices that you selected for payment. The total net amount of all the selected invoices is displayed on the right.

Note: If you want to reconcile receipts by location, you will need to apply receipts by location. This may necessitate subtotalling groups of checks and applying each subtotal individually.

The two fields entitled Reconciled Total and Processed Total show totals for the invoices that are in the Invoices to be Paid grid. The Reconciled Total shows the total for transactions that have been reconciled while Processed Total shows the total for transactions that have been both reconciled and processed. These totals can be misleading if you have previously applied receipts to a selected invoice but have not reconciled those payments. For best results, always reconcile your activity before coming to the Receipts/Adjustments screen. Once the desired invoices are selected, use the Next to Pay Charges button to proceed to the next screen.

Note: If in doubt about an invoice, go ahead and pick it and move ahead to the next screen. From there it will be easy to tell if you should be applying the money to that invoice; you can always back up and remove it if you don’t need it.