Network Security

Patient and other data generated by SYSTOC reside in a number of places on the network, as described below. Proper access control over these areas ensures that unauthorized users cannot access patient data from outside the application.

  • PDF files attached to electronic patient charts reside in a charts folder.
  • Patient and other data reside in a Microsoft SQL Server database.
  • Files and attachments generated by the SYSTOC_EDI program reside in a folder defined by the user.

Security Established at Installation

Your IT staff establishes network security for access to the SYSTOC folders at the time of installation and you do not normally need to modify the settings. Because electronic patient charts, electronic claims files, and claims attachments are stored in folders on the network, it is important to ensure that only appropriate users have access.

For more information or assistance with network security recommendations, talk with your IT staff. If they have questions about existing settings or other recommendations, direct them to the Customer Support team at 844.881.8713. The initial installation recommendations are listed below.
  • The application requires a mapped drive which is shared for SYSTOC users (with full permissions).
  • Folders containing electronic charts reside within the shared SYSTOC application folder: Generally all SYSTOC users are granted full permission, however, you can restrict specific folders or files in special circumstances. For example, a temporary worker performing data entry has been assigned to a SYSTOC Permission Group without access to the patient charts. Your IT staff can restrict the temporary worker's login so s/he cannot view the Charts folder from outside SYSTOC.
  • Restrict folders containing claims and claim attachments to only those users that require access.

When locking down folders and/or files at the network level ensure that users can accomplish their work unimpeded. Overzealous security measures can create confusion and disrupt work flow if not carefully implemented.