iSYSTOC Permission Components

iSYSTOC access rights can be manipulated on a component-by-component basis.

The access rights in the iSYSTOC group (for versions 4.1 and above) are broken down into the following SYSTOC permission components:
  • iSYSTOC_DocumentsInj
  • iSYSTOC_DocumentsNonInj
  • iSYSTOC_DrugScreens
  • iSYSTOC_Immunizations
  • iSYSTOC_Injury
  • iSYSTOC_InjuryTrend
  • iSYSTOC_OtherResults
  • iSYSTOC_Recalls
  • iSYSTOC_TreatmentMemo

You can create a new permissions group that prevents access to the Drug Screens area of iSYSTOC by copying the iSYSTOC permissions group and giving it a new ID. Then select the iSYSTOC_DrugScreens component, uncheck the Allow View option, and save that change. This new permissions group can now be assigned to users. Similarly, you can restrict a user's access to the SYSTOC Treatment Memo by creating a new group in which the Allow View field in the iSYSTOC_TreatmentMemo component is unchecked.