
Use the Process/Print screen to process new invoices or reprocess adjusted invoices.

Invoices are processed for the first time when all the charges have been added and the invoice is ready to be printed and mailed to the account holder or transmitted electronically. Subsequent processing updates the account balance with the payments and adjustments that were applied to the invoice since the last time it was processed and printed or transmitted. You cannot have aging of your accounts if you do not process your invoices, and your accounts receivable balance is not updated until processing occurs. Access this section via the Billing > Process/Print menu choice.

How frequently you will want to process invoices is a function of your billing practices, cash flow needs, and the requirements of the payers receiving the bill. Most companies want a single monthly invoice for all the screening services they pay themselves; such invoices would be processed once a month. Workers’ comp invoices, on the other hand, may need to be processed every day.

Note: The greatest danger in selective processing is failure to process everything. At least once a month, leave all the selection criteria except the Serv Thru date blank and print the Preprocess Report to be sure that no old invoices have been skipped.

You can optionally exclude an invoice that is not ready for billing because it lacks required information or for any other known reason by selecting Exclude from Processing on the Invoice screen. Deselecting that option allows the invoice to be processed.

Before attempting to process invoices, make sure all the billing staff have reconciled all the transactions they have entered. Transactions entered via Orders will be reconciled automatically for most clinics (this is an optional setting). However, any receipts, adjustments, or charges entered outside of the Orders will require reconciliation.

Note: If even one transaction on an invoice has not been reconciled or is past the ending service date, the entire invoice will not be processed.