Preparing the Selected Invoices

In the lower grid, use the horizontal scroll bar to move to the far right where you will see the Collection Date, Collection Agent, and Agent Date columns. You should previously have entered your collection agency in the File Maintenance > Attorneys/Collection Agencies file. Select the appropriate agency from the drop-down list in that field or type the ID directly. The data contained in these cells will be used to update the fields in the Delinquent section of the Invoice screen. You can use the Autofill Selection feature from the right-click menu to copy an entry in the top cell to all the remaining cells in that column. See Editable Grids for more information about editing.

Next, enter the stage into which the invoices will be moving in the Stage field. As soon as this information is entered, the Please Fill in <Stage> button, which had been grayed out, changes to read Move to <selected stage> and becomes active. Enter the effective date of this move in the Date field (both fields are required). You may optionally enter the Staff ID of the individual doing the processing and a comment to be included on all invoices in this group. Then click the Move to button.

SYSTOC does not move invoices in which it finds certain types of data errors, so it may not update all of the selected invoices. A dialog box will display a message indicating whether invoices with invalid data were found, and how many invoices were updated. Invoices that have not been moved will remain in the second grid, providing you the opportunity to find and correct the errors and move the corrected invoices.

Note: The first time an invoice is moved into any collection stage from this screen, the Delinquent field on the invoice header will automatically be checked.

After payment is received, there is no need to remove the Delinquent flag; it is a useful historical marker. This field simply indicates that an invoice has been or is currently in some type of collection activity. Once the money is collected, you might still want to know, historically, that the invoice had been in collection, since a pattern of collection activity for an account might indicate on-going problems.