Automatic Recalls for Hepatitis Injections

Recalls may be created for an entire injection series or individually for each subsequent injection. We recommend creating a complete series recall at one time because it enables you to determine a patient’s next due date in the series by glancing at the Recall List view. This automatic recall feature may be used for any type of series-dependent care, such as hepatitis A, rabies, etc.

You may wish to create recall records for reminding the patient to come in for the 2nd and 3rd hepatitis injections. If so, you must first verify that the appropriate Recall Series has been created under the File Maintenance > Setup - Orders > Recall Series option. See Recall Series for complete setup instructions.

Note: You must perform data entry for the first injection through Orders (the Data/Print function or a PDF form), and not directly in the Hepatitis B screen accessed from the outline menu, to trigger the automatic recall feature for subsequent injections. If you do not use Orders, you will not be able to take advantage of automatic recalls.

If you complete data-entry for the first hepatitis B injection through Orders, Recall records are created when this first hepatitis record is saved. You will see a system message asking if it is OK to create each one of the recalls unless you checked the Auto Add Recalls option when creating the Recall Series. If Auto Add Recalls is checked, the recall records are made without notification.