Copy Appointments on the Schedule Tab

Begin by selecting the appointment you wish to copy, then right click to display the option menu and select Copy. Enter a new Date (and a new Staff ID, if appropriate) in those fields at the top of the tab. After the new schedule grid appears (this may happen automatically, or you may need to use the Search button to display it), click on the desired time slot. If the cursor moves outside of the schedule grid during this process it changes to a stopwatch icon, as a reminder that the copy has not been completed.

A window appears from which you can select an Appointment Type (unless you have designated that field as optional under Program Preferences > Scheduling Option. The lookup window you see varies depending on the type of appointment you are making and your system settings).

Make your selection from the list of options (you may need to click Retrieve to see them all). As you complete each data selection, a new lookup automatically displays until all required entries have been selected. For additional information, see Add/Edit Appointments and Adding Data On the Fly (F5, Alt A, Ctrl B).

See Treatment for information on how ICD codes populate Treatment when you copy an appointment.

A final prompt lets you choose whether to return to the original appointment or stay on the new appointment.
  • Yes: takes you back to the Schedule tab view that displays the original appointment.
  • No: retains the Schedule tab view of the new appointment.