Zip Codes

The zip codes database is provided for ease of data entry on any name/address screen. You may add additional codes as needed, or alter the ones that are provided.

In some areas, multiple towns are assigned to one zip code. If the town you want is not the first town on the list, you can speed up data entry by completing the first four digits of the zip code, then press F5, Search (Alt+S), use the arrows to move the cursor bar to the correct town and select it by pressing Enter.

File Maintenance > Zip Codes

It is possible to use Canadian zip codes by checking the Allow Use of Canadian Postal Codes box that appears in the Utility > Program Preferences screen. After making that change, saving it, and restarting SYSTOC, you will be able to add a mix of letters and numbers as zip codes. It is suggested that you use the State field for the Province Code.