Marking an Order Done Automatically

At one of the work flow steps, it is appropriate to mark the order "done," in the sense that the service has been provided to the patient, even if more work remains for the clinic staff. Done orders will display in pale green so that the staff can quickly see the service has been provided.

Checking the box for the field Set the Done flag and use the current log in name when moved TO this sequence means that the User ID of the person who did the stage just previous to this one will get credit for doing the order. It seems counter-intuitive until you realize that the event has to occur before the order can be marked "done," so the sequence just previous must have been the critical step and the previous person gets the credit for doing it.

If the ID in the Done By field is not in the Medical Staff table, an error message displays when you attempt to post charges for the order. If you are planning to use this automatic Done feature, be certain that all users have a matching record with an identical ID in the Medical Staff table.

Note: If multiple people will be using one computer without changing the identity of the Logged On user (not recommended), it is better not to use the Set the Done flag feature.