Modify Permissions for LEVEL1 Access

The steps for modifying the permission levels for the Level1 access to any SYSTOC screen are described in this topic.

  1. An ADMIN-level user should select Utility > Security > Permissions.
  2. Use the list screen from this section to search on Permission Group Like LEVEL1.
  3. Select the screen you want to work on, for example, frmPermgrps.
    You will see a screen similar to that shown in the following image. It displays the LEVEL1 group name and, to the right, a list of the things members of that group can do. (Any function with a checkmark next to it is permitted.)

    1. Uncheck those functions that you would prefer that your LEVEL1 users not have for the displayed screen.
    2. When you have modified the list to your satisfaction, save your work and return to the list screen.
  4. Repeat this process for all the screens that you wish to modify.
    Remember, the changes you make apply to all members of the group.