Report Specification Changes Quick Guide

The middle portion of the Report Library screen provides default values to control the appearance and content of a report when it is run. If you frequently need to change the same specifications when you run a report, come to this screen and change the default specifications.

  1. Determine the desired values.
    1. From the screen where you normally run the report, press F2 or click the Reports List box above Option menu.
    2. Select the report you want to modify.
    3. Select Prepare Report to Run (Alt+N).
    4. Enter the exact Values that you want.
    5. Run the report to verify the results are as expected.
    6. Make a screen printout; do this multiple times if the specifications scroll off screen.
    7. Exit the report.
  2. Open report in library.
    1. Go to File Maintenance > Report Library and display the report.
    2. In the section labeled Default, enter the exact values from step 1. The values are case sensitive. (Defaults such as dates and IDs require special coding. In the unlikely event that you wish to change this type of default, contact the Report Support department for assistance.)
    3. Save the changes.
  3. Document.
    1. Press F3 or click the icon to open the memo for the report.
    2. Press Ctrl+F10 to record the date and user.
    3. Indicate what you changed, and why.
    4. Save the memo changes.
  4. Verify.
    1. Navigate to where you normally run the report.
    2. Bring up the report list (F2).
    3. Run the report to test the changes.