Diagnosis Section

This section is configured as a set with a single field per set. Multiple diagnoses are added as individual fields. The Diagnosis field has an automatic search feature that locates diagnoses from the SYSTOC database, and filters for ICD version and ICD-10 effective date based on Program Preferences settings in SYSTOC.

Tip: If you need to add or edit an ICD code after the note is finalized, do that on the Treatment screen in SYSTOC; the finalized note is not changed.

  1. Type sprain lum in the Diagnosis field and press Enter to see how the search feature finds diagnoses that contain those words. A list of up to 100 diagnoses and codes displays that contains both (or either) of those words anywhere in the diagnosis description or code. You can also type partial words or partial ICD codes.
    • If you type a diagnosis instead of selecting from the ICD list, a message displays: Warning: Only entries from the list should be used.
    • Typed entries left in the field may display in the field and on View Transcription, but do not update SYSTOC. Clear the typed text and select from the list.
    • If you select a diagnosis from the ICD list, you can edit text that is not inside parentheses. For example, you can add laterality to Ankle: closed dislocation (837.0) to make it: Left Ankle: closed dislocation (837.0).

  2. Select the diagnosis using the Up Arrow key or Down Arrow key; press Enter to insert it in the field.
    To change your answer while the list is displayed, press Backspace to exit from the list, then follow Step 1.

  3. Select to add a second Diagnosis (set).
    The set contains a single field.
  4. Type 847 in the Diagnosis field and select Thoracic Strain (847.1)

  5. Select to add a third Diagnosis (set).
  6. Select another diagnosis.
  7. Select to view the transcribed text for the section, which is formatted in list style with diagnoses numbered in the order they were entered.

    Diagnosis in transcription view

  8. Select Return to Field View.
  9. Collapse the Diagnosis section when you are finished.